May 12, 2009

2008-2009 april-may

list of performers/instruments:

voices by- me, agnes szelag, jon porras & evan caminiti (of barn owl), carly hoopes, liz albee, nathan snider, jason hoopes, johanna borchert; kristine barrett on pump organ, me on acoustic guitar; agnes on cello, me on unplugged bass guitar; agnes and me on digital piano; jason hoopes performing amanda schoofs' piece at his recital; wiener kids (jordan glenn- accordion, aram shelton- bass clarinet, cory wright- bass sax); varun kejriwal on a mexican coke bottle; the atomic bomb audition in rehearsal; me on gu zheng; me on a bottle of "three philosopher's" beer at zach watkins house in santa cruz; johanna borchert on piano; me on a "pom wonderful" bottle; caroline penwarden on accordion; small bell tree; sample stolen from "cantus in m3mory of b3njamin britt3n" by arvo part; alee karim on electric guitar; agnes on the iglassharp app for the iphone